Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to 'Delivering D&T through various methods (no more chalk and talk)'

    2. Where are you in your learning at the moment?

    3. Introduction

    1. Adjective activity for D&T

    2. Diamond nines

    3. Snowballing

    4. All, some, none

    5. Using the Frayer model in the classroom

    6. Sketch noting in D&T

    7. Concept roles in the classroom

    1. QR codes and concept riddling

    2. Video commentating and video plenaries

    3. Tools for effective mind mapping

    4. Interactive presentations

    5. VR & AR on the cheap

    1. Concept mapping, graphs and hex-tiles

    2. D&T with no words.

    3. Recycling resources for revision

    4. Gamification for D&T

    1. Philosophy 4 Children in Design (No teacher chat)

    2. Fishbowl conversations

    1. Next Steps

    2. Where is your learning now?

<- Course content

  • 23 lessons


If you find yourself struggling to deliver aspects of D&T without standing at the board talking through the information written down, this course is for you!

  • Video tutorials running through various approaches

  • Tried-and-tested resources to explore and download to use in class

  • Hi-tech and low-tech solutions to suit any classroom and budget


Natalie Stevens

Natalie has been teaching D&T for the last decade in the UK, China and Singapore. She is a trained product designer and a passionate design educator. The experience gained working in both the UK state system and international education has afforded her the opportunity to work with educational professionals and students from all over the world, seeing lots of different curricula, techniques, and styles in action. Natalie is an award-winning curriculum designer, educational technology coach and enthusiast with a wealth of experience and training in delivering design theory and concepts in dynamic and interesting ways.